Flattering excerpt from the Palo Alto Online review of my ten minute play Nirvandraw, which was produced as part of Pear Slices. The review was written by Karla Kane:
Sandy Sodos is a self-help guru whose anger at her ex gets the better of her in "Nirvandraw," by Sophia Naylor. Courtesy Caitlin Stone-Collonge.
Naylor's oddball, one-woman "Nirvandraw" is another time for [Sandy] Sodos to shine. In one of my favorites of the night, Sodos plays Bethany, a self-help spokeswoman for a cult-like pyramid scheme that apparently rakes in profits by teaching others to make money off her patented "Nirvandraw" doodling instruction. Bethany's wild-eyed, frozen-grin facade starts to crumble mid-seminar thanks to the breakdown of her business and marriage partnership.